Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"bahok" -- what are you carrying?

who are we? what we take with us when we move through the world? through life?

Today is April 13, the day my father left us in the physical world. Eulogies and praises still come four years later. I asked myself earlier today what these influences were that he left so prominently on people and why was he capable of putting such lasting marks on people's lives and personalities? Does everybody have that capacity, that capability?

Akram Khan, acclaimed contemporary choreographer, named one of his productions "bahok", a Bengali word that means "carrier". I stumbled upon the trailer and beautiful dances by chance and it just hit the right spot. He asks in his performance "what are you carrying?" My interpretation is that each human carries a set of characteristics and qualities and choices that they make on how to live their lives and how to view their journey and how to relate to others.

Papa was the 'bahok' of: inspiration and pushing people to the higher of their potentials. He did this through being extra-ordinary; sharing and giving instead of taking; forgiving and letting go; being ambitious not only for the goal but also for the process; seeing the good in everything and everyone; living life fully in every second; pushing oneself and seeing no limits and at the same time not losing sight of the present, the core, the simple and the real; not taking life or oneself too seriousely, yet never compromising for one's values and ideas; a fighter but only through peace, negotiation and logic; having a lot of respect for the human soul; and always being able to laugh or smile.

People wrote us today: "he is my role model, missing him so much."; "he will always remain as a precious building blocks in who I am today and this will stay with me as long as I am around."; "I owe so much of who I am and how I am today to him. Wish he'd stick around some more... he is present in my heart and soul especially every time I stand on a mountain top."; "best man, best friend, he is really missed."; "I'm so proud to have known him."; "You can't imagine how much Doc-Mohs meant and means to me. He was definitely one of the most influential people in my life."; "Amou Mohsen would create this ambition in you while not leting you take yourself too seriously. He had a good eye and he observed well and treated everyone accordingly."; and
"I miss him a lot more than what anyone can imagine."

akram khan dance company, bahok, 2009

** Bahok by Akram Khan Company, 2010 @ MCA Chicago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6yfrOuaFnA