Thursday, May 6, 2010

a little self promotion!

[Interview by Factio Magazine and FigPhoto @ Creative Lounge Chicago, April 2010]
*Photo by Brian Carey, video by Tim Musho,

Artist Avisheh Mohsenin
Born in France, Mohsenin moved to Iran while growing up and later moved to the U.S. for graduate school. She is a co-founder of Pasfarda Arts & Cultural Exchange, an organization that promotes global exchange of arts and culture. Mohsenin creates imagery to stimulate imagination and to lead viewers into questioning their own notions of time and space in their personal environment. Throughout her work duality is used as a major element. - Brittany Berryman
*Photo by Brian Carey, video by Tim Musho,

Factio Magazine 2010 - Avisheh Mohsenin Interview from Fig Media on Vimeo.